Unburdened Systems Retreat
On the Path of Healing & Beyond
March 20 - 23, 2025
La Rouvraie, Switzerland
"All parts are welcome" the reassuring IFS refrain goes. And how can we recognize and use their wisdom and intrinsic resources before and after unburdening? What does a Self-led system of parts look like in reality?

Treat yourself to four days of exploring the beauty and gifts of your inner world. Through experiential exercises, practices, and presentations, this workshop celebrates the relationship between your Self and parts.
I will introduce new tools to emphasize the post-unburdening steps of the IFS model: Invitation and Integration. Discover a new way to strengthen your healing journey by valuing the gifts of your parts and their positive contributions to the system.
In this workshop, we will:
• Work with Self-like parts without shaming or indulging them
• Recognize parts along a health continuum from burdened to unburdened
• Practice skills to strengthen the gifts of parts in the Invitation and Integration steps of IFS
• Use the Unburdened System Mandala to help clients honor and envision the health of their parts
• Unite the inner system around a personal life meaning using the Japanese Ikigai

Workshop Information
La Rouvraie, Bevaix (near Neuchâtel), Switzerland
Thurs - Sunday
March 20 - 23, 2025
900 Swiss Francs
(includes daily coffee, tea, snacks and lunch. Accommodations at La Rouvraie separate.)
Participant Requirements:
This retreat is open to anyone who has completed an IFS L1 Training.
The workshop will be translated from
English into French.
Learn More & Register
For questions & registration information, please reach out to
Ariane Kaeser at secretariat@ifs-association-suisse.org